Textile Arts and Artisan Show
The Textile Arts and Artisan Show was the brainchild of Julia Kerner, who chaired the first Show in 2017. The show is held every other year, alternating with Stitchery Showcase, running concurrently with Ohio Mart. It is a special event that showcases “all things textile.”
Area groups and guilds are invited to demonstrate and display their skills and techniques. Past techniques have included weaving, spinning, knitting, lace making, quilting, needle punching, cross stitching, needlepointing, beading, displays of vintage lace, wool sorting and carding, textile conservation, and more! Our number of attendees continues to grow with each show.
2024 Show Exhibitors
SHNG Booth
Stan Hywet Needlework Guild
American Needlepoint Guild Western Reserve Chapter
Embroiderers’ Guild of America:
Day Lilies Chapter (Medina)
Canton Area Chapter
Town & Country Chapter (Stow)
Fort Laurens Rug Hooking Guild & Buckeye Rug Crafters
Hower House Museum
Medina Spinning & Weaving Guild
Weavers Guild of Gwyntarian
Western Reserve Lace Society
Western Reserve Sampler Guild
Western Reserve Spinners & Weavers Guild
Join us at the next show!
There will be many demonstrations and items of interest as well as knowledgeable people who can answer questions you may have about a technique or joining a group. We look forward to seeing you!
October 1-4, 2026 during Ohio Mart
Are you part of a group that would like to demonstrate? Please contact us for more information.
2024 Show Committee
Show Chair: Kathy Olex
Demonstrations: Kathy Olex
Guild Booth: Patty Graber & Louise Giffels
Hospitality: Cathy Nasca
Hostesses: Debby Senko
Textile Conservation Booth: Candy Marang
Treasurer: Sue Fassoles
Children’s Corner: Barbara Shearer & Penny Thompson
Stitchers’ Fair: Leslie Snowball
Past Show Chairs:
2022 Sue Fassoles & Kathy Olex
2019 Sue Fassoles
2017 Julia Kerner