Guild Committees - Communication and Public Relations

There are many roles involved in communicating and advertising Guild activities to members and to the general public when applicable.

Newsletter & Distribution

The editor constructs the Guild newsletter that typically goes out four times per year using word processing software. The Needleworker describes upcoming workshops and provides registration forms. The newsletter also contains reports from various committees, announcements, and articles about interesting topics.

The newsletter is distributed primarily by email. In addition, the Distribution role occasionally sends announcements or requests out to members using the same distribution list.

2024: Nan Garrison

This is a great role because the editor gets to see the upcoming programs and all of the Guild news!


  • Obtain the member distribution list of names and email addresses from the Membership Chair.

  • Work with the Executive Committee and the Programs Committee to determine the publishing schedule for the year.

  • For each newsletter issue:

    • Send out a call for articles to Guild officers and committee members.

    • Assemble the newsletter with the upcoming programs on the first page followed by committee reports, workshop registration forms, announcements, and news.

    • Send the draft newsletter out for proofreading.

    • Make corrections noted by the proofreaders.

    • Distribute the newsletter by email or regular mail to Guild members.

    • Provide a digital copy of the newsletter to the Website team for posting online.

  • As needed, distribute other announcements that have been approved by the President.


The Website Committee was newly formed in 2023 and has been working to build the website you are viewing. The committee’s goal was to preserve the important functionality from the prior Guild website while expanding the content and updating the look and feel to be more engaging and appealing to members and to the public.

2024: Marie Owens (chair), Doris Eversmeyer, Jody Ball, Sue Fassoles, Joyce Fath, Nan Garrison, Margaret Minns, Barbara Shearer

This is a great committee because you get to develop and update the public face for the Guild and also provide resources for members using current technology and lots of photographs!


  • Evaluate the potential scope and approach for implementing website features.

  • Present alternatives to the board and obtain funding approvals as needed.

  • Gather information and photographs.

  • Edit and write site content and create page layouts using Squarespace.

  • Maintain the site content going forward (e.g. adding each year’s officers, committee details, and programs schedule).

  • Serve as a reviewer and tester to validate site content.

  • Meet periodically to plan and prioritize features.


The membership chair is responsible for our members' information, accepting new applications, and coordinating annual renewals. This role also works with an outside publisher to create information flyers and an annual Membership Booklet.

2024: Margaret Minns

This is a great committee because you meet all our members and interface with the other committees of our Guild!


  • Maintain the membership database.

  • Publish and distribute the annual Membership Booklet.

  • Coordinate the New Members' Tea in March.

  • Track member participation for our Annual Prize entries and select winners at the end of the year.

  • Provide ongoing information for Distribution, Newsletter, and Programs committees.

  • Provide a printed Membership Information flyer for the Publicity committee.

  • Receive, report, and forward member dues to the Treasurer.

  • Present membership-status information and member-wide concerns at the Guild’s board meetings.


The Publicity Committee is responsible for increasing public awareness of the Guild and promoting the opportunities that are offered by the Guild to local stitchers. The committee provides information about Stan Hywet events. It encourages Guild members to support events hosted by outside groups. An annual favorite is decorating 'Rusty's Tree' at Hower House for the holiday tour season.

2024: Betty Jo Scurei (chair), Judy Caiola, Lori Neidert

This is a great committee because the members work well together and are willing to participate in outside activities such as Stitch-in-Public events and exhibits where needlework is on public display.


  • Obtain Membership Flyers from the Membership Committee and place at these locations:

    • Summit County Libraries

    • Hower House

    • Akron Art Museum

    • Summit County Historical Society

    • Stan Hywet Lobby

  • Send out announcements for Guild events to other guilds including the Embroiderers’ Guild of America, American Needlepoint Guild, and the Western Reserve Sampler Guild.

  • Represent the Guild at public events such as Barlow Farms Harvest Fest, library events, and Hower House's Christmas tours.

  • Solicit members to volunteer at outside activities and/or loan completed pieces for display.

  • Submit articles to the Guild Newsletter and to local newspapers about awards earned by Guild members and outside exhibits that are of interest to stitchers.


The Sunshine Committee provides a valuable outreach to Guild members, or their families, who need a ray of sunshine. The Committee sends appropriate cards and messages to show concern and support on behalf of the Guild.

2024: Lori Neidert

This is a great committee because you stay in contact with members to be aware of important life events and provide kindness and support when it is most needed!


  • Maintain a supply of greeting cards and postage stamps.

  • Mail appropriate cards to members in need of a bit of sunshine.

  • Announce at Guild meetings and in the newsletters that members should contact the Sunshine Chair if they become aware of a member or family who should receive a card.

  • Submit requests to the Treasurer for reimbursement of expenses.