Guild Committees - Executive Board and Advisors
The Guild’s executive board is a small team that meets every other month along with committee chairpersons and advisors. All Guild members are welcome to attend the board meetings.
The President is an elected officer serving a one-year term and is responsible for overseeing the smooth running of the Guild. The President presides over all meetings of the Guild, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee.
2025: Jody Ball
This is a great job because you are surrounded by talented people; not just talented stitchers, but talented teachers, computer wizards, spreadsheet gurus, and those who make a wicked chocolate chip cookie.
Preside over all meetings.
Appoint Stitchery Showcase chairs, Parliamentary Advisor, Historians, and Newsletter Editor.
Appoint all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Set the agenda for Guild and Board meetings.
Oversee schedules for classes and newsletters, as well as meetings for Stitchery Showcase and Textile Arts & Artisan Show.
Serve as the liaison between the Guild and Stan Hywet staff for meetings, workshops, and all Guild-related activities.
Meet with committees on an as-needed basis.
Form special committees to handle decisions for the Guild.
Vice President & Foundation Liaison
The Vice President is an elected officer serving a one-year term and is responsible for assisting the President and other committee chairs. The Vice President presides over any Guild meetings the President is unable to attend and represents the Guild as Foundation Liaison on the Friends Council. The Friends Council consists of representatives for each of the volunteer groups at Stan Hywet. The purpose is to foster a culture of teamwork, open communication and continual improvements for Stan Hywet.
2025: Kathy Olex
This is a great job because you have the opportunity to serve as a backup to the President as well as hear all the news about Stan Hywet from the executives and the other committee volunteers.
Attend all meetings, presiding over the meetings when needed.
Assist other committees.
Serve as Foundation Liaison on the Friends Council:
Attend the monthly meetings which are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 3:30 pm.
Present an oral report of our Guild’s activities.
Submit a written report to the Council prior to the meeting.
Represent our Guild’s point of view in discussions.
Share information from the Friends Council with the Guild.
The treasurer is an elected officer and is responsible for the funds and financial information of the Guild. The Treasurer serves a 2-year term.
2025: Sue Fassoles
This is a great position because you get to interface with the management of Stan Hywet as well as with our members!
Collect incoming funds such as workshop payments and Showcase entry fees and deliver the deposits to Stan Hywet.
Authorize all payments made from the Guild funds.
Keep a record of all monies received by and disbursed on behalf of the Guild.
Reconcile the monthly financial information from Stan Hywet to the Guild records.
Present financial information at the Guild’s general meetings and Board meetings.
Interface with the finance department of Stan Hywet.
Work with the Guild President to create a budget for each year.
The Secretary Committee consists of one or more elected officers who are responsible for taking notes at all Guild Board and General meetings. The Secretary produces the official minutes for each meeting which include attendance and a summary of the Guild activities and business as discussed at the meeting.
2025: Marcia Cornelius, Marilyn Nyiradi and Elinor Nyiradi
This is a great position because you always know what is happening with the Guild and you help to preserve the history over time!
Attend all board and general meetings.
Record attendance at meetings.
Collect Treasurer reports and any other handouts that are distributed at meetings.
Summarize the topics discussed at each meeting and record any motions and decisions that are made.
Type the minutes using word processing software.
Provide a soft copy of the minutes for distribution via email prior to the next meeting.
Maintain records of minutes for the Guild archives.
The Curatorial Committee is responsible for keeping paper-based Guild records in an organized manner and retrieving information when requested.
2025: Phyllis Dreyer, Nan Garrison
This is a great position because you get to attend all the meetings, keeping Guild information updated.
Maintain documents in the Guild archives by date.
Store a hard copy of each newsletter in a page protector and in a binder.
Store a hard copy of any news articles.
Store a hard copy of each set of board-meeting minutes (including financial reports when provided) in a page protecter and in a binder.
Store older physical files at Ebe House.
Look up historical items as requested.
Guild Advisor
This position is automatically assigned after holding the role of President.
2025: Joyce Fath
This is a great position because you’ve become familiar with the responsiblities for each of the different committees and can assist the upcoming chairs!
Assist the President with any questions they have regarding the role.
Answer any questions or address concerns voiced by any member of the Guild.
Attend all meetings when possible in order to stay informed.
Parliamentary Advisor
The Parliamentary Advisor is a valuable support for the Guild Board and President in matters of proper procedure in the conducting of business, both in general meetings of the Guild and in Board, Stitchery Showcase, and committee meetings.
2025: Barbara Shearer
This is a great position because you can be privy to all major/minor discussions of the Guild. As a result, this person is aware of possible changes and new needlework projects to be offered!
Secure access to a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order, the accepted publication related to procedural matters for meetings.
Be present at all major (and smaller, if requested) meetings of the Guild.
Be ready to advise any leader in the Guild on procedural matters when requested.
Research questions of procedures that may arise.
Advise on matters pertaining to the by-laws and standing rules of the Guild.