Golden Rules for Guild Meetings

  1. Silence your cell phone.

  2. Please wear your name tag.

  3. No food or beverage on the tables until stitching is safely put away.

  4. Any questions to be asked should be addressed to the teacher.

  5. Do not talk (or whisper) while the teacher is giving instructions; give your undivided attention.

  6. If the teacher does not mind conversation while you are stitching, please do so quietly.

  7. Ask permission prior to photographing any of the teacher's samples or finished pieces.

  8. Please do not make unnecessary noise while business meeting is being conducted (e.g., pounding in tacks, talking, etc.).

    Following the above rules makes for maximum instruction and minimum confusion, relaxed stitchers, and an instructor who looks forward to returning. Please remember to be considerate of the teacher and your fellow stitchers at all times.

    Thank you!